Are You Still Dependent on On-Site Data Backups?
Let’s say you diligently take local backups at regular intervals.
This safeguards critical company information. This is information you just can’t afford to lose.
But on-site data backups are vulnerable. You’ve learned it the hard way.
The hard drives and disks where you store your backups are fragile. The moving parts can go kaput, without notice. What’s worse, your data can corrupt, and could be virus-infected.
Again, as these drives are stored on-site, they are subject to natural catastrophes: fire, flood and earthquakes.
This makes cloud backup an absolute must.
Keep Your Data Safe On A Reliable Cloud Backup
Experience 5 key benefits fromBay Tech 360’s cloud backup service.
Cloud-based backup systems are largely automated. This saves you the trouble of taking backups each day. It also eliminates the need to train your people on how to back up different kinds of files correctly.
Access from anywhere
There could be times when your employees are not on-site at the event of data loss. In such cases employees can easily access and recover data remotely via cloud. All they need is an internet connection.
Make it easy to use
Our cloud backup solution makes ongoing management and restoration easy. With just a few clicks of mouse, data can be easily found and restored.
Minimize downtime
With cloud backup, you can recover your data quickly. Contrast this with recovering data from a physical storage that’s a lot more time-consuming.
Grow data in step with your business
Cloud backups are easily scalable and can grow in tandem with your growing business. This is a great advantage which companies storing data on physical servers don’t have.
Listen To The Voice Of Relief
Get a Cloud Backup Solution In Just 3 Steps
As your business grows, your back-up data grows too.
Now imagine the compounded cost of servers and redundant storage that you’d have to install and manage.
Think of the loss when vital information is compromised due to theft or ransomware.
Visualize the impact of all this on your business credibility, customer trust, and the cost of possible legal damages.
The best part is that you can change all this in 3 simple steps.
Speak with our sales team: 833-BAY-TECH and let us help.
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